If Muschamp is constantly harassed by fans for:
The games he hasn't won how bad would things be if he had lost many of the nail biters that have gone our way since he took over?
His record is similar to Dabo’s through as many games. Don’t see CleMson complaining.
They knew that their path to getting better record-wise and championship-wise was a lot easier than ours is - than a lot of schools are.
Clemson's rise, I believe anyway, is due to not only finding the right coach for them, but also the upgrades. They spent. And spent. Remember how dumpy their stadium was through 2004 or so? Totally not the case now. Football centers, etc. They have turned it around.
think you need to look at it as career yrs and not just at Carolina. Champ already had 4 yrs at Florida. Otherwise you are talking about a coach with HC history vs a first time coach. That said Dabo's first 6.5yrs record was 61-26 vs Champ's first 6.5 yrs record 46-35. Little difference in records. Dabo was already into 10 win seasons at this stage of his career even though Spurrier beat him in a couple of his 10win seasons.
Look at their BOT. They are all in. All orange. Do ours even go to all the games ?