And predict their season record. Looks like a lot of optimism in Columbia this fall. As the Cocks come off a 9-4 season and Bowl win over Michigan. A lot of the fans in that part of the state are also predicting an upset in Clemson come November, WHAT SAY YOU? Please take the time to POST YOUR THOUGHTS HERE On the Tigers V Cocks Smack Talk Board. We really want you guys thoughts HERE on our BOARD today. So Join us and POST! Just HIT REPLY!
10-2 y'all good with this? https://www.masseyratings.com/team.php?t=7242&s=300937&
Yeah as long as one of the 10 is the taters and let’s not forget about Kentucky either!
I'm already on record with 10-2. We do have more toss up games this year, so possible we lose one close one, perhaps on the road. I feel we have a shot at beating Georgia at home early, but fear that one potential loss on the road. So sticking with 10-2. I doubt we lose five toss up games, but we had major injuries last year, and that could show up again at the wrong time this year. But healthy, we will definitely flirt with double digit wins, as the link suggests.
10-2 with an upset and a stumble reminds me of our 11-2 runs...there was always a team we should have beat but fell short to. I would take 2-10 in a heartbeat if the wins/loses were reversed! Well, no. It would have to be 3-9...we MUST beat KY!!!
Which 11-2 season are you referring to? You guys have only had 11 wins in a season 3 times in your entire existence.
Kentucky does have their number. Mizzou and maybe Miss St. I agree 8-4 or 9-3. I would be surprised if they will 10.
agreed Patty. They need to navigate a relatively easy schedule.. however I expect a team or two to surprise them. Kentucky has their number... and watch out for Missouri and it's high flying offense too. UGA and Clemson to me are automatic losses! So I would say 7-5 at the worst 10-2 at their best.. Making me wanna say 8-4 or 9-3 is my prediction .
Lets talk about coots having a cream puff season, playing Coastal Carolina, Marshall and Chattanooga, should be easy wins but we also know what can happen (Citadel). Basically evenly matched with the rest of the season except for getting the crap beat out of them by Georgia and yours truly, Clemson. HAHAHAHAHA!