now gamecock fans are calling 2018 Kicker BT Potter's recent Chic fil-a for a year award he received a "recruiting violation" Now we are resorting to bribing kickers to come to Clemson for Chicken Sandy's... Really ?
" BT Potter of Rock Hill was named Kicker of the Year in the state of South Carolina by Chic-fil-A of Anderson, SC. He will receive a $1,000 scholarship plus free Chic-fil-A sandwiches for one year. How is this not a recruiting violation? If that is legal, why couldn't I open a business here in tiny Georgetown, and name any recruit in the USA as Player of The Year from teddykohncock's Used Cars, and award him a $200,000 scholarship and use of a free Escalade for a year? You reckon the Anderson SC Chic-fil-A franchisee is a Clemson fan? Sounds to me like the Tigers found a way to get a good kicker without giving up an athletic scholarship. "
Wait, LOL, didnt we offer BT a full scholarship to begin with? You simply can NOT make this stuff up. This poster probably works at McDonalds and just had some free time during a break. In fact, he might even WORK at Chic-fil-A.