As much as it pains me to say it, we must be patient with Will like CU has been with Dabo. Dabo was 1-5 in his first six against them. Will will build something similar to Clemson if we give him time. We have the right pieces, it will just take time and next year, while we may win it, is not a "must win". Even if we do win it will not indicate we have passed Clemson. Passing Clemson is going to take three more cycles and will also involve them taking a step back while we keep moving forward.
You've got to win six at least - probably seven - to with the East. And we already know we're going to play Georgia every year. UPC is the bomb right now, but our main problem is that we aren't as good as we were. If we were, they wouldn't be running free like they have been. Get us back to being good and I still maintain that it will be easier to beat them than it will be to beat six or seven of eight SEC opponents. It was that way during the best five years of Spurrier's tenure.