are so puzzled, so perplexed, as to how this substance got into these choir-boys` system. Korn and others keep saying Lawrence has never caused a problem, yada yada yada. Hey, did Lance Armstrong cause any problems. McGwire, Palmeiro, Clemens, etc.? What the heck does that have to do with anything? Plenty of people don`t have any issues until they are caught with something, or doing something. Dabo - you know he`s gonna spin drug arrests, woman-beating, pot-smoking, whatever. I am so glad they got busted! It`s time to quit giving these guys a pass just because Dabo is such a wonderful human-being, likely the greatest coach of all-time. Nauseating.
You allowed Lakip to come back the next year. He was the hardcore cocaine dealer or snorter or some such foolishness. Dabo the great sure was tough on that one. Really taught him a lesson!lol
I agree with OP! The media whitewash on this scandal is disgusting. 3 positive tests is indicative of a systematic issue. I'd bet a ton there are at least 30 players in their program using that crap. But you have the 13th disciple out there crying my kids are perfect the dog really did eat the homework. Not one so called journalists has questioned this pathetic obfuscation. Not one so called journalists has asked Dabo or the AD if they will test all their players for SARMs. 3 out of 3 verified positive test is not some mistake or accidental contamination.
Sounds like a troll from ( COCK - lovers - UNIVERSITY )
1) Clemson tests their players monthly to avoid issues like this. 2) Common sense: Why would Dex start using a banned substance prior to the last one or two games of his career? Please turn in your Clemson fan card, you are unworthy.