Serious Question: Will Clemson attempt to run up the score against us?

I think they will try and I certainly would if I were them.
I believe they will not slow down or stop regardless of the score or time left in the game and will attempt to make it very obvious that their intention is to embarrass us.
Still mad Dabo didn’t do it 2 years ago. I wanted 70 after all the WV remarks.
They'll pull the starters after the 3rd quarter. They have more important things to look forward to than to meddle around with us. This game will be over by halftime.
I agree, Dabo pulls his starter once the game get out of hand.
Clemson's 3rd stringers will run the score up on this defense.
I think this year is easily the most hopeless of the last 4 against Clemson including 2015 when we were 3-9 and played them close.
I look for a repeat of 2016. I'll be shocked if they have to punt more than one time on our defense. I'm breaking my streak in this series. Intentionally not going. Can't justify it in anyway anymore. Knowing I'll be done at halftime like previous years.
I know one thing... if Will Swinney scores we might as well drop to 1AA. And it wouldn’t surprise me if they tried it.
Christian Wilkins throws the pass. lol
I will say, I think if there is a chance, Dabo will score as much as he can and try to embarrass S.C. it’s a rivalry game so you never know though.
It’s frustrating when a season doesn’t go like you had hoped. Just got to try to get better. As fans, not much we can do but cheer and complain.
Yeah but I'm persoanlly not going over the line and losing a game before its played and prediciting my team to get blown out by 3rd stringers, no sir.
I don’t think they will this season. They already had that day. They don’t respect us enough to run it up on us. They have bigger fish to fry. They’ll pull their starters early. They may still score but they won’t leave their guys in to beat us any worse.
Keep in mind, if Clemson scores 70 that doesn’t mean they ran it up. As of now I’m not sure what Clemson could do for us to stop them other than intentionally not try, and that won’t happen. They’ll run the ball a lot and we won’t stop it. Even their 2nd and 3rd strings. They’ll run their D-linemen and the coach’s children, they’ll still score.
I doubt they will. All though they may not be able to help it. But they have much bigger fish to fry past the game with USC. And while the rivalry is still a big one, it sort of loses it's luster when not competitive. Dabo might run it up if we still ran in a lot of the same recruiting circles, but we aren't with the exception of the few they recruit from in state.
I’m ashamed our our defense’s performance and they way the behaved when florida was kneeling on the ball. What exactly did I say that wasn’t true? HAVE YOU SEEN OUR RUN DEFENSE THIS SEASON? HAVE YOU SEEN US TACKLE THE PAST 9 GAMES? HAVE YOU SEEN THAT CLEMSON LIKES TO LET THEIR LINEMEN SCORE AS WELL AS WILL SWINNEY? What do you see that we can do that will help us stop it after 9 games? Recruiting won’t help us in 2 weeks.
I’ve supported this $hit show my whole life. I’ll continue to support this team. Calling a performance a giant turd and knowing we are completely outmatched against our rival isn’t “not supporting your team”. Just like having completely unrealistic expectations isn’t “supporting your team”.
You should be embarrassed to be so blind not to see this team for what it is, especially the defense. Get off your high horse.