Taters are looking for a nickname for Lawrence
I'm torn between Pinocchio, Downtown Afghan Hound, or Ann Coulter. Tough one, but I'll go with Pinocchio. If the kid's nose was a millimeter longer he'd be flagged for an equipment violation - "Equipment violation, number 16, offense. Nose outside confines of face mask. 15 yards".
"Fabio" is perfect for him
Personally, every time I see that guy I think, “damn if that ain’t the upper half of a centaur but with human legs.” Someone photoshop that and tell me I’m lying.
Goldilocks or Fabio. Although Spicolli is good too.An Alabama fan called Finebaum Tuesday and called Trevor Fabio. Said Dabo should let Fabio go down the hill on a white horse shirtless at home games.
Yep he is gonna beat you guys to a pulp. Ho folks with a QB like Jake Bentley could make comments about other players is beyond me. He is playing for you guys because he wouldn't make the scout team anywhere else.