Higgins and Clemson. Found this little diddy. . .

This model of car wasn't released until 2016, around $140K is the cheapest you'll find it...unless it was wrecked.
I don't think this is a case where his Mom/Parent purchased the car for him. Here's her bio. Good for her to overcome everything though, having a baby while in HS, all of the drugs, multiple boyfriends, and the arrest. Glad she found Jesus. https://oakvalleybc.com/my-past-does-not-define-me/
The crazy part about this is the car model...it's not even like he got a nice looking used truck for $40K. This car is $140K+...and he's an undergrad in college.... Isn't this why people get audited by the IRS? 📷
No offense to the other guys, but this makes everything these other guys had look like chump change.
So wrong, on so many levels. Proof that drunk posting NEVER makes one look good.
If you are drunk, never post anything on the internet:
1) ... to to convince someone that someone else purchased a $140k car from a lot that, if you take the loaded pickup truck out of inventory, The average priced vehile on the lot would be under $10k ... and is run out of a “really nice” manufactured building.
2) ... take a Twitter blogger as the basis of your post. Guess if it’s on the internet must be true.
3) ... to criticize a woman that has turned her life around. If a Christian judged and condemned you publicly (which should never happen) you, or someone on your behalf, would be screaming “hypocrite” ... and rightfully so ...
But guess if the biggest torch you carry in life is being a SCu Gamecock fan, a post like this is the highlight of your week.