The old saying is "The higher they fly, the harder they fall". Gamecock fans, nothing last forever. My hunch is that the erosion of their foundation will start as the investigation into the players who tested positive for drugs proceeds. The public relations of Moo U is acting like this was a random and unexplainable event. I do not believe that "THREE" positive drug tests at the same time are an accident. The use of drugs may be one of the reasons their players have played so well. If the truth is allowed to surface, this could be the crack in their program that brings them down. Just saying. https://southcarolina.forums.rivals.com/threads/clemson-is-in-for-a-huge-fall-from-the-mountain.289581/#post-4317611
It is O. K. to dream............ But at some point you must get your head our of the muck!!!
Oh my gosh, what a pile of malarkey. Only from the armpit of the state would this come. Clemson has worked long and hard to get where they got and not for one minute do I think they drugged or doped to get there . Someone always has to trash talk. When the truth comes out about the drug test they will find out it wasnt drugs. Wait just wait.