says that he will never apologize for a three TD’ win over his state rival. He said that his goal has always been to win by one point. He also says if that isn’t good enough then it might be time for him to go somewheres else.
The number two team in the country with this great NFL talent loaded defense was exposed as a fraud. Bentley absolutely shredded them. How bad do you guys think we would have beat them if we had our defense from 2011-2013? Everyone knows Bama or Georgia would destroy them. Heck, if we had a healthy defense with BAW, Wonnum and Horn, we might have got enough stops to win this year.
Clem$on is always a fraud. Always.
Same old clempson including their fanbase...unrealistic especially when they are exposed for what they truly are.
That was in response to some fans and a few fan sites saying the win felt like a loss. He said a lot more and I agree with him. When you get to the point where just winning isn't enough then you have issues. A one point win is better than a loss any day.
I think maybe everyone should realize two things: Clemson is not as good as people think and we're not as bad as people think.. Yeah, they're better than us but not by the margin people want to believe.
You People NeedTo get a Life.If Clemson Would Have beet You By A 100 Points You Would Have Said The Same Thing.THEY AINT THAT MUCH BETTER THAN US. QUIT CRYING.