Clemson Flagship station to air Phil Kornblut's show on regular basis. Meanwhile Gamecock Fans talk CONSPIRACY ? Really ?

Yep they know how to get the media in their pocket. Like when the hired Pete yanity. We may be on their level with facilities but we will never be on their level media wise. Hell, we can’t even catch a regional baseball game on an fm station in the upstate and they have 24/7 tater network
You guys are paranoid? Kornblut has a decent show. It isn't cutting edge. He never tried to be an overt Gamecock or Tiger...or anything else. He stuck to reporting, with an occasional editorial by Korn. Mostly, what he did in this state back in the 80s earns him a little respect from me, even if I rarely listen to him now. During a time when no one was really, really covering recruiting, Korn was. He would find out which players were receiving interest from which schools, tell us how big and fast the kids coach lists him to be in the roster, and let us know which local kids were receiving wider recognition.If USC offered a kid, Korn would eventually find out (which in the pre-historic time before social media, you didn't find everything out immediately) and let us know. Clemson fans got the same information. The man is a reporter. He gives the news, and I like the nostalgia of listening to him. And because he's been in S.C. sports for so long, I'll listen to his occasional monologue or editorial.
He is old stuff and when Carolina goes on a Spurrierish run, he will be moved over and out much to the delight of Gamecock Nation . . . A Man Without A College.
Kornblut is old school. If you listen to him without accepting the fact that he's all about himself (i.e. stating whatever he has to state on radio just to get more notice), then you're ignorantly giving him precedence. Like I said, Korn is old school without a doubt. IOW's, take him and his intentions w/ a couple of grains of salt. He's a fan of whatever school can get him the most coverage/recognition at any given moment.
Personally, I don't much care about him. In all honesty, he's a "non-matter" as long as he's taken for what he's worth.
I promise you he won’t be on that station long unless he is very very tater slanted and I’m sure he will know that from the start. Remember the guy they fired after West Virginia whooped dat azz?