I don’t believe in moral victories but I can’t complain when I see improvement. This gamecock team never gave up. Even with all of the injuries they never gave in. 600 yards on Klemsons D. Would of been interesting if we had a healthy Defense!
What the hell gives with the Tater fans rushing the field before the game is over. I guess it was the only way they could keep The Gamecocks from making it a two score game on that great D Klemson brags about. I know it’s their tradition but it’s another stupid one. Its unsafe for the fans esp opposing players and coaches. It should be banned. In the SEC you are fined big time for that crap. Oh yea they are in the A SheShe where that classlessness is allowed.
Klemson is Overrated! All year long all you heard from the pro Klemson marketing was how they had an NFL front that would dominate anyone they played. Not so! They’re overweight, out of shape and as classless as they come. The Heisman pose! Really! They have no secondary! I doubt they will make it to the championship but if they do Tua and the Tide will eat them alive.
Yes I may have a little sour grapes in this post but I call em like I see them. I can also see this coming. USC’s defense next year will be light years ahead of what we’ve seen from Muschamp since he arrived. Bank on IT! The man is a defensive genius and he’s stock piled for it. Flame away Taters! You will always be classless redneck wannabe’s that we laugh at. Any school that builds a smoke tower that resembles so they claim the NC trophy is a joke! And no your tower looks nothing like the trophy. You must of used one of your civil engineering grads bong visions!