Dabo Weighs in on Kelly Bryant Transfer
Clemson Sports News this morning sat in on the weekly ACC teleconference call . . . specifically to hear Coach Dabo Swinney discuss the upcoming game with Syracuse, and the breaking news of the impending Kelly Bryant transfer. After his opening statement about the upcoming ACC divisional game against Syracuse. As expected, Coach Swinney took the time to discuss the Kelly Bryant transfer. Swinney began his remarks on Bryant by stating “Sad disappointed that he has chosen to leave the team” . . . “Don’t think it's a great decision” .
Swinney went on to discuss further the situation and mentioned that “Another program is gonna get a quality quarterback and quality young man”. On the job of being a head coach and making the decision to start Lawrence that led to Bryant’s transfer . . . “Sometimes you have to make tough decisions. I would make it all over again “.
Swinney then replied to the of reaction Bryant was quoted in an interview that was released this morning on where he felt “unfairly” treated in the process, Swinney was quick to reply “Totally entitled to his opinion, absolutely gave him a fair shot “ Dabo again later retorted “Definitely feel like he’s been given a fair shot”. . .
When further discussing the mindset to make the decision on the starting quarterback and the timing of it. “This is not middle school and you have to make tough decisions and do whats best for the team “ again when discussing the decision he had to make on Monday. “My job to do what is best for our program.”... “When you are in a leadership role you have to make tough decisions” and again about the question of if Bryant got a “fair shot” “No question he had a very fair shot here . . . he’s entitled to feel how he wants to feel... its impossible for me to say something bad about him “
Ending the conversation Swinney reminded all that “At the end of the day he made a decision he felt was best for him” and that “My job is to do what is best for the team”
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